Pluperfect & Merrymoon
Top class breeders of high quality, healthy and happy Cardigan Welsh Corgis



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CH Kennebec Ice Anchor ROMG
(CH Talbot's Pilot Programme ex CH Kennebec Kate of Rhydowen)

Link"Link" is a legend in the Cardigan world.  A multiple group winner, CWCCA National Specialty winner, ancestor of a huge percentage of national specialty and All Breed Best in Show winners, his influence on the breed is felt around the world.  I shudder to think where the breed would be without his influence.  He was bred by the granddaughter of Mrs. B. P. Bole who introduced the breed to the United States in the 1930's.  The debt the breed owes Helen Bole Jones is inestimable.  Link was produced from the 1st intracontinental shipment of frozen semen in the United States!  He was later co-owned with Connie Whan, Davenitch Kennels, Reg.

CH Pluperfect Primate

(CH Kennebec Ice Anchor ROMG ex CH Pluperfect Primrose ROMG)

"Dickens" accomplished so much with so little opportunity.  As a show dog, he finished his championship with three straight 5 point majors which included a group placement at 10 months, and being awarded Winners Dog & Best of Opposite Sex at the 1986 CWCCA National Specialty.  As a sire he was used twice, siring national specialty winners in his first litter and grandsiring national specialty winners in his second.  He was owned by Connie Whan, Davenitch Kennels, Reg.

CH Davenitch Peer of Pluperfect ROMG

(CH Pluperfect Primate ex CH Davenitch I Am Mosette)

Kirby"Kirby" almost matched his sire's record.  He finished his championship unbeaten in four straight shows including Best in Sweepstakes, Winners Dog, and Best of Winners at the 1987 CWCCA National Specialty.  His sister, "Gordache," was just as illustrious winning Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes and Winners Bitch at the same national specialty.  They were 8 months old at the time.  Kirby became a well-known stud dog and he loved to watch TV!  He was later owned by his breeder, Connie Whan, Davenitch Kennels, Reg.

CH Pluperfect Princeling
(CH Kennebec Ice Anchor ROMG ex CH Pluperfect Primrose ROMG)

Jon Jon"Jon Jon" (although I called him Cupcake when he was in my ownership!) was from the repeat breeding which produced such significant animals as Primate, Peace Rose and Pegasus.  This breeding combination produced a total of 9 champions from its two litters and Jon Jon was certainly one of the most prepotent.  He is behind a number of top class Cardigans, the most famous of which is his linebred granddaughter/ great grand daughter, Ch. Kingsbury's Carbon Copy ROMB, the top winning American Cardigan of all time.  He was owned by Cindy Bossi, HomeGrown Kennels.

CH Pluperfect Garvins Peerless ROMB

(CH Davenitch Clean Sweep ROMB ex CH Pluperfect Polesden Lacey)

Bosco"Bosco" was yet another step forward in the breeding program.  Bred by Gayle Garvin out of the lovely Ice Anchor ex Primrose daughter, CH Pluperfect Polesden Lacey, this dog possessed great strength in type with a fabulous outline and gorgeous front.  His beautifully arched neck sloping into his topline was a feature almost unheard of at the time.  Sired by the Luca son, CH Davenitch Clean Sweep ROMB, his pedigree was unbeatable.  He made a positive contribution to the breed through his progeny.  Bosco was later owned by Cindy Bossi, HomeGrown Kennels.

Am Jap Intl CH Pluperfect Pennywise ROMS

(Eng Am Can CH Phi-Vestavia Evan Evans ROMS ex CH Windshyre's Murphie Brown)

Labasheeda"Labasheeda" is one of the most breathtaking dogs ever bred by this kennel.  Out of a Bosco daughter sired by the fabulous Am Can Eng CH Phi-Vestavia Evan Evans ROMS, he made great strides in breed progress.  Besides his beauty and quality, great outline with length, perfect topline, good bone, wonderful long well-laid shoulders he possessed an astonishing open sidegait we could only dream of before.  He counts many supreme dogs in his pedigree.  His first year at stud he won the stud dog trophy.  He is the grandsire of the top winning male Cardigan, CH Kingsbury's I'm Harry P.  He was sold to Japan to help improve stock in that country.

Merrymoon Noblestar Jacob
(Am Can CH Mazara Merrymoon Reggae Bob ex Am Can CH Merrymoon Devil Woman)

Sonny"Sonny" came to Pluperfect through the generosity of his co-owners Patti Snider and breeder Barbara Hoffman.  I first became aware of the breeding efforts of a relatively new Canadian kennel when I judged the CWCCA National Specialty in 1998.  At that show Merrymoon Kennel showed me four dogs, all of whom won their classes, while they also won Winners Bitch, Winners Dog, Best of Winners and an Honor of Merit.  An impression on me they made.  I was therefore absolutely thrilled to be able to gain a co-ownership on this dog who is a son of the bitch to whom I gave WB and an HoM award.  He has been strenuously criticized by the unenlightened for his heavy coat while they have completely missed his extraordinary quality, length, topline, bone, head, front and temperament! We have only patiently had to wait as he has produced some of the best progeny of any stud dog in North America.  Sonny is now living back in Canada at the Merrymoon Kennel.

Am Can CH Pluperfect Petersham NA
(Eng Am Can CH Phi-Vestavia Evan Evans ROMG ex CH Windshyre's Murphie Brown)

Clem"Clem" is the litter brother of Pennywise.  He is a multiple group placer with specialty veteran award wins as well as multiple Honor of Merit awards at Canadian national specialities and US regional specialties.  In addition he sired CWCCA national specialty WB, RWB and RWD winners.   At 12 years of age, Clem was ranked #2 Cardigan in Canada!  Clem has also excelled in performance competitions.  He is owned by Pixie Lauer, Puddleduck Kennel in Maine.

CH Twinroc Poet of Pluperfect HSAs ROMS
(Am Jap Intl CH Pluperfect Pennywise ROMS
ex CH Phi-Vestavia's Original Sin CDX HSAs ROMS)

Tristan"Tristan" was bred by the Twinroc Kennel of Paul and Doris Slaboda.  He came to Pluperfect as a stud fee puppy - upon Doris' insistence! - and made his debut at the CWCCA national specialty in 1996 where he was awarded Best in Sweepstakes under breeder-judge P Ormos.  Tristan later returned to his home kennel where he has been successful at stud as well as a regional specialty winner.

Copyright - Pluperfect Kennels & Cattery - 2007