Pluperfect & Merrymoon
Top class breeders of high quality, healthy and happy Cardigan Welsh Corgis


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Jon's Inspiration

I have always said - as do most others - that if you do not have a "vision" clearly developed in your head you will never become an outstanding breeder.  When I was 12 years old I saw this very photo of Eng. Ch. Pantyblaidd Pip pictured with his breeder Oliver Jones.  He immediately became my "ideal" of Cardigan breed type.  Both Pluperfect in the US and Joseter in the UK founded their breeding programs on this little used dog who looked like no other......

Barb's Inspiration

I saw the same picture of Pip when I first got into Cardigans and I loved him, but nothing I saw in Canada even remotely resembled him.  Nevertheless, he is the picture I've always had in my mind.  That's the look I wanted. 


Here are Pip and Brett compared - born over 35 years apart.......


And now, what is yours?

Copyright © Pluperfect Kennels & Cattery - 2007