In the words of
Jann, Jordie's owner, "I fasten the bandana around Jordie’s neck.
He seems to smile as we head out the door to go to work.
"Jordie is a therapy dog. He visits seniors in adult foster care
homes, many of whom suffer from Alzheimer’s. Most are in their
90’s and are somewhat frail physically.
"Jordie is a perfect therapist. He is quiet and patient, always
the gentleman. He approaches people with dignity and respect, his
tail waving gently in greeting. He never barks or jumps up on
people but waits until invited. For those who are too indisposed
to reach down to pet him, he is happy to lie quietly on their beds,
often placing his head in their laps. When offered treats, he
takes them so gently that people are astounded by his good
manners. He suffers himself to be somewhat roughly stroked by a
blind woman who cannot see him but loves to pet him. He patiently
endures his ears being played with by a woman who loves his big ears
more than any other part of him. He is even a wonderful antidote
for potential heart problems. One of his clients has episodes of
atrial fibrillation when she gets upset; Jordie’s presence calms her,
thus averting the episodes so that she doesn’t need to take her
emergency heart medication.
"A favorite cat mouse attached to a long stick provides for many laughs
and tears of joy as Jordie races around like a clown, performing
entertaining antics while he contorts himself into outrageous poses to
catch the mouse. He brings joy, peace, and miles of smiles to
those he visits.
"At home, Jordie is quiet when I am tired or busy; he is ready to go at
the drop of a hat. His energy level is appropriate to whatever
mood I’m in. He loves to follow his nose and would make a great
tracking dog. He enjoys playing fetch and amazes and delights
with his bursts of speed, running down the ball or toy with unbridled
enthusiasm. He could do many things, but we only have a limited
amount of time so I have chosen to train him as a Reading Education
Assistance dog. He will be working with children with reading
problems, helping them to overcome their insecurities in reading and
speaking aloud.
"I’ve had dogs for 38 years. I’ve been partial to German
Shepherds, Rotties, Belgian Tervuren, and Malinois. I’ve owned
them all and loved them all—but there is nothing like a Cardigan.
They are a versatile, intelligent and comical breed, a big dog neatly
enveloped in a short package. There is nothing like being owned
by a cardi!! It is a privilege and a joy that I intend to
continue to the end."